Monday, May 19, 2008

On Student Leadership University

(Previously posted on Xanga Wednesday, July 05, 2006)

Currently Reading: How to Be Like Walt : Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life By Pat Williams, Jim Denney

Last week we went to SLU 101 ( - absolutely incredible week. I really wish they had this when I was a student. I was worn out half way through the conference there was so much information. We stayed in one of the nicest hotels in Orlando, spent time at Sea World and Universal, had sessions with professionals in their field and got a quantum leap in leadership. It was incredible. I am already putting what I've learned into place, and I can't wait to see how it effects those students who went with us.
This week has been a lot of fun on a personal level too. We've had friends from Texas over at the house. Jimmy and Shannon and the girls. The house is full of noise from 4 adults, 4 teenage girls, 2 little kids, 2 dogs and 4 tvs all making noise at once - and a bunch of fire works, since it's the 4th of July and all. It's crazy but a lot of fun. Jimmy is helping me put together a bathroom in the basement. The dude knows everything about this stuff, and I'm enjoying learning from him, and hanging out with a friend I don't get to see as much as I'd like. It's taken forever getting all the supplies together, but once we had all the shopping taken care of, it's actually coming together pretty quickly. Pretty exciting since I don't get much time to work down there. We've been spending so much time on outside landscaping.

PS 5/19/2008

I can look back at the SLU 101 and later 201 in Washington DC and see the SLU program as one of the key watershed events in getting serious about living intentionally. I would strongly encourage anyone to send their middle school or high school students through this program if they're interested in being a leader in life. They have two slogans that I repeat all the time: 1. "There is time in a young man's life when the boy sits down and the man stands up." (I realized that I was a 36 year old boy in many ways at home and at work.)

and "You will be the same person in five years except for the people you meet, the books that you read, and the places you go."