Monday, May 19, 2008

Lamenting the Death of the Blog...boy was I wrong

(Previously posted on Xanga Wednesday, January 09, 2008)
I came on my site to cancel the SPUR blogring because I don't use Xanga anymore and I can't police the ring (which is totally necessary on a church youth group ring.) I was going to cancel my xanga site as well but doggonit, if I didn't find myself looking through my old postings. So here's my rant whether anyone ever reads it or not. I know that Xanga has been replaced by Myspace as the king of blog sites (and Myspace has even seen a decline with the more grownup Facebook), but xanga was a true blog site and the others are cheap substitutes. I never went the Myspace route. In my opinion, it's the worst of blogging. Little pics, cutsie sayings and other lame apps present smoke and mirrors of who we want people to think that we are - namely, fun, crazy, on the edge. Blogging in my opinion at it's most pure is the diary (or for us guys - the journal or "log"). It was a great way to lay out my thoughts in a therapeutic way, but also a way to let other folks get a glimpse of my insides. I guess that's a little too scary for folks (either that or people really are as shallow as they now portray themselves on these newer "blog sites"). I enjoyed writing out my thoughts, but also letting students see that I'm just a regular person too. I have frustrations, temptations, aspirations and I'm sure many other "ations." I felt like those in our little online community had a special inside look into each others lives. It was a type of accountability through journalling. I was able to keep up with the needs of my online youth and make virtual visitations. But as time went on, people's sites become more about music and cutsie (or downright trashy) pictures and sayings. If a blogger was feeling especially generous they might write one or two sentences. Well, now I have a Facebook account, and I've been sucked in to some of the lame apps, but I basically use it as a contact for friends from back home, or high school, seminary or past churches. I miss the journalling. Yep. Life is moving too quick when you don't have time to jot down your thoughts (or when a little cartoon substitutes sharing ourselves with folks. And yes I see the irony in getting on to folks for letting technology drift them into laziness and shallowness while I pine for the "old days" of proper internet blogging.
Ok, so here's an update. In my last entry, I was so tired after going to one of our camps. that was about 7 months ago. Since then, I've changed ministry responsibilities at my church. I'm no longer the Minister to Students (a position that I held here for 4 years). Now I am the Minister of Education and Assimilation. Basically I am the team leader for the different aged groups in our church, and Men's and Women's ministries, discipleship, Sunday school, outreach and training. It's actually a pretty broad position but I'm excited about the challenges of ramping up what we're already doing and starting some new stuff as well. I feel like I'm getting some footing finally in this new position now that I have an intern taking over our Wednesday night stuff and he is absolutely fantastic. He loves the kids and learns their names and visits the schools. He also works with First Priority so it's a win win. He has been a real blessing to me and to our church and our students. I'm working now on getting together a Discovery class for Sunday mornings (a new members orientation) and a Dave Ramsey financial study on Sunday nights. I'm also starting SS teacher training on a monthly basis on Sunday nights as well and helping to put together to new church website. It's good stuff and I have more than enough stuff to keep me busy. For those who take the time to read this God bless, much love and have a great day. Jon

Post-script added 5/19/2008

I am so excited to see that what I thought was a thing of the past is still going strong! After listening to Dan Miller's podcast on blogging ( I got so excited and decided to jump back into it again. Viva la blog!!!