Friday, May 30, 2008

Gettin' on the ebay train

My wife and I got busy today putting items around the house aside to sell on ebay. It's been awhile since I've fiddled around with selling stuff online but we're getting serious about getting out of debt after being a part of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It was an awesome 13 week course that I would highly recommend.

Okay, I'll admit that getting out of debt is not the only motivation to hock the stuff that we didn't put in the last garage sale. But it's also because I am tempted to pile even more debt on so I can get a macbook. My laptop died a year ago and I've been using an old model that someone donated to me but it's having issues getting online. I'm ready to make the jump to just using a laptop (no desktop) and mac just seems to make the most sense. The church is sucking air to pay salaries and keep the lights on (just like just about every church, business and family out there) so it looks like once again I'll be springing for this myself. So...anyone want to buy some stuff?! :)