Monday, May 26, 2008

Jon starts back 2 blogging

I've just decided to get back into blogging and I'm pretty excited about building community and making new online friends. I've been reading some blogs to see what's out there currently and I need to get out there even more. Some bloggers have intimidated me a bit because their thoughts are laid out so well and creatively (Seth Godin's blog is a great one to RSS). I find myself saving so many of his posts because of their great insight and practical advice.
I know that I will get more comfortable with the process the more I use it, but the thing that's pushing me is my love for teaching and encouraging. I hope that this blog will do just that.
I spoke with the rest of the staff about the scope and reach of blogging in ministry last week after staff meeting and will continue to dialog with them until we get something going. I'm reading a great book right now on the subject called "the Blogging Church" by Brian Bailey. I would highly recommend it for churches and ministers looking to broaden their influence in the community and around the world.