Saturday, June 14, 2008


It's been a great but busy couple of weeks.
  • IMPACT was a wonderful experience as usual. Mike Lynch spoke during the main services and Matt Papa led the worship songs. Purple school (12th grade and graduates) was a lot of fun. It was great seeing my friends in exec staff, meeting new TL's (team leaders for the kids) and seeing a ton of familiar faces. IMPACT was smaller this year because some of the kids weren't out of school yet so it made the groups a little more intimate.

    (Purple school out on the Rec field dancing to Thriller - we got the spirit flag this day)

    I was a little nervous because it was the first time I'd been away from home for a week after being diagnosed with diabetes. But I exercised every day and tried to eat well - although the food was a challenge. Before IMPACT I was sure that this would be my last year, now I'm thinking I might need to return and be a part of one of the greatest camps around.
  • Last week was VBS. We were challenged with a limited number of volunteers. I was teaching 6th grade again but didn't have my normal posse that I had relied on in years past and the video editing computer is on the fritz so we couldn't teach the kids how to video and edit (which meant a lot less work for me). We added a missions track this year and it went really well. Fortunately, David Parrish our youth intern was there to help as well as my friend Marty and our intern for the week, Ben Woodard. All of you did a great job! We had a lot of fun with the 23 students we had for the week.
  • I'm looking forward to a week of rest and catching up with "normal" work stuff!