I have brought over some of my previous postings in Xanga - mostly so I could remember some of the experiences and thoughts that I've had in the last couple of years.
Previously Posted on Xanga Saturday, December 03, 2005
So sorry for the absence on my xanga. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I'm glad you guys liked Turkey Lurky. As much as I'd love to claim total originality, I saw a guy do something similar that I used to work for - Lanny Donoho, the most creative guy I've ever met and worked with. He lives in the Atlanta area but it was back in my college days when I had the privilege of helping him with his summer camps down in Panama city beach. I was hoping to do the relax and take it easy thing for a week before Thanksgiving. But that was not to be. It typically takes a couple days just to get into the swing of vacation. I stayed around the house so I could get some house stuff done. I got a little done but not much. I did get to ride my bike some on the Silver comet trail. I'm getting more used to the clip shoes. I rode hard three days in a row and got a bit saddle sore but since then I've ridden some more and I'm getting more and more used to it. It's just so stinking far away of a drive to go to a trail that is safe enough to ride on. After the pastor read his resignation on Sunday I went ahead and went in to the office to be with the rest of the church staff to make sure everything was ok. It was pretty non-eventful, everybody seemed to be fine, so I was going to continue my vacation on Tuesday. That of course wasn't to happen as Kalem called me about 10am to let me know about the wreck that killed Justin Devore Monday night. I went over to the house immediately just to let them know i was praying for them, but there's really not much you can say in such a terrible situation. With the pastor's resignation and all the stress that that brought with it i was pretty paralyzed in knowing how to help in the situation as a minister or as a youth ministry for Jason and his family. It was a long week, but I know it will continue much longer for the Devore family and the Harrison family. Let's keep them in our prayers. Right now I'm just a bit numb. Tired I guess, it's Saturday morning and I've been at the church finishing the clean up on the youth room. Wednesday was ton of fun. We played a game in the HS time that I was a little nervous about, singing Christmas carols but it actually went really well and everyone seemed to have a blast playing it. Middle school, don't be mad that I had to nix the game in your hour, you guys had all the good food. We left a huge mess though, I was in all Friday, my normal day off and Saturday getting it in some semblance of order. I have a trip this afternoon to northeast GA to have a Christmas party with April's side of the family. That ought to be loads of fun. I was supposed to preach tomorrow but they're putting that off for a week or so to protect me from all the craziness that might just happen on Sunday. Hopefully everything will go peacefully. You guys have a great Saturday. I'm giving all of you a virtual hug.